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Saturday, 29 September 2012

The dock is dead: Best wireless speakers for the iPhone

iPhone 5 wireless accessories
Bluetooth speakers, AirPlay speakers, Sonos, and Apple TV are some of the excellent -- and totally wireless -- alternatives to old-school speaker docks, which don't work with the iPhone 5.
(Credit: Sarah Tew/CNET )
Since Apple's iPhone 5 became official on September 12, it's been an emotional roller coaster for tech enthusiasts. There have been plenty of highs -- It's so light! It's got 4G! Beautiful screen! -- but they've been tempered with some disappointing lows, too.
On the software side, Apple's decision to move to a Google-free maps app has been the biggest sticking point. On the hardware front, there's still grumbling about the death of the venerable 30-pin dock port, which has been a mainstay of iPhone (and iPod) design since the early days.
For many, the transition from 30-pin to Lightning has meant an express trip through the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, and even depression. But now that the iPhone 5 is here, it's time for acceptance -- let's make the best of this.
Yes, your old 30-pin Apple docks and cables are no longer going to work with your shiny new iPhone. But wasn't it annoying to have to keep walking over to that speaker dock when you wanted to change songs, or switch to a different app? That's where wireless audio trumps all. Connect to a wireless speaker, and you can keep your iPhone where you want it -- in your hand. Use it as a remote to choose the music you want to hear.
Thankfully, there are several technologies to help you out, including Bluetooth and AirPlay. We list the best options below. Just make sure to pick up an extra Lightning cable, though, because these work great for streaming audio, but you'll still need to plug in your iPhone to recharge it, of course.
Note: all of the items listed below work with all iPhone models, not just the iPhone 5. Compatibility with iPad, iPod Touch, and even Android phones is listed where applicable.
source va cnet

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